Kamis, 29 April 2010

Books and...


I was thinking how books and reading have affected my life. Before I dived into the reading world I can honestly say I was a walking zombie. I didn't really see or remember most of the things I was doing, and was just walking through life without a real purpose. But then came along books...

When books touched my life they ignited in my a desire for basically everything. A desire to experience, a desire to learn... they also woke me up. I remember the first book I read, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I skipped the first one), and that book was so awesome that I became a Harry Potter junkie. At first I only read Harry Potter; Harry Potter was the center of my universe (still kind of is). But then after I read the books about 5 times, each, I decided that there had to be more to it! More to reading I mean, and thus I became the only member in my family that currently reads. Sad, I know. But awesome for me ;)

Books also affected my career choice. Before I wanted to be an architect. Math and drawing are some of my fortes. But when I really got into arquitecture I decided that it just didn't inspire me anymore. I got bored with my first career. But books make me happy, and I decided that as long as I had books life would be alright. Thus I want to become a part of the publishing world!

How have books affected YOUR life? Have they changed anything? Maybe a career choice? Or the way you look at life, maybe even the way you think about people...

Books are not a hobby, they are a lifestyle, and those who get into this lifestyle are the luckiest people in the world.

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