Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Teaser Tuesday/College Girrrl

"Your mother is a master of the obvious. Most of what she says to you is stuff you already know or stuff you'd have to be an idiot not to see.

Kyle, your room's a mess.
Kyle, you're failing science.
Kyle, you're old enough to have a job.
Kyle, you never bring any books home.
Kyle, at this rate you're not going to get into college.

Either she enjoys pointing out what you already know or she thinks you're an idiot.

"Kyle, that's a full gallon of milk. Hold on so you don't drop it."

She thinks you're an idiot."

How many of you have ever felt like this? I think this is a great passage that will resonate with a lot of teenagers. Plus is funny.

Hello people, I'm back. Sorry for being absent for 2 days but I was a) moving, b) attending my first day at college. IM A FRESHWOMAN!!!! It's great. I live with 4 other girls in an apartment, have my own room, own bathroom, mini fridge and microwave included in the mini kitchen (all of this is inside my room). So I'm having a good time!

Ive had to buy 3 books for now (need like 9 more). About 150 dollars, an this is because I rented them. Let me tell you, these books ain't cheap.

An right now am looking for a job. I will do my very best to finish one book per week, but you gotta understand that is difficult when you have to read so much else.


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